Dive Into the Early Stages of Computing Machines
The First Personal Computers
Altair 8800
The Altair 8800 was a microcomputer designed in 1974 by MITS, that gained popularity amongst hobbyists and collectors. The machine featured the first programming language “Altair BASIC'', and required additional interface and memory boards. The novel device worked at speed 2MHz , the RAM provided had a 1,024 word memory, which in fact needed to be bought. The Altair 8800 provided the blueprint for future computer models as well as pioneered the microcomputer revolution.
Apple II
The Apple II, manufactured in April 1977 was the world's first most successful home computer. Designed and curated by Steve Wosniak and Steve Jobs, the personal computer featured a colored monitor ,four kilobytes RAM,a basic interpreter,a MOS 6502 chip for central processing, and a cassette tape for additional storage. It was one of personal computers to prove more effective, and the company later revolutionized the technology industry. In which Apple today is one of the most valued in the technology sector.
The TRS-80 computer system was one of the earliest mass produced personal computers. The desktop microcomputer was released in 1977 and was sold by Tandy Radio Shack. The device was designed by Steve Leininger and its programs were manufactured by Microsoft. The machine includes a basic language interpreter, a twelve inch monitor, a cassette recorder, four kilobytes of RAM, a processor at 1.77 megahertz, and a cassette tape.
Walter Brattain,William Shockley, and John Bardeen developed the first functional transistor in 1947. An improved version was introduced in 1948. These semiconductor devices, which amplified as well as generated current, were one of the most important advancements in modern electronics. They are constructed of semiconductor material with three terminals in order for external circuit connections. Transistors made it possible for computers to shrink exponentially. This made computers more powerful as well as smaller.
The first personal computer was manufactured in 1974. Early computers that emerged post World War II were very large in size, and didn’t offer as much as the PC, in terms of efficiency and portability. Eventually transistors and microchips were developed which allowed for computers to be both more powerful and smaller in size. The computers eventually advanced into devices that were small enough to use at home and work. The first personal computer was the Altair, which was later surpassed by the Apple II in 1977, the TRS-80, as well as the Commodore PET. The Altair was created by a firm called MITS. The computer used the 8080 microprocessors by Intel Corporations. In 1977 was when the personal computer industry really started, with the development of the Apple II by Steve Jobs, and Steve Wozniak, was a mass-produced personal computer, which was then followed by more personal computers, as previously mentioned, the TRS-80 and Commodore’s PET. Though these machines had limited memory, and utilized eight-bit microprocessors, they were still very popular, as they were lower in cost to the average computers and could be used by schools, individuals, and businesses. This innovation has forever altered the course of history in numerous ways. Personal computers are now more of a necessity than a luxury, and most of society depends on them for daily activities. These include education, entertainment, communication, work, and more.